Friday, 27 January 2017

preliminary exercise

(0:40 - 58)


Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Preliminary exercise: Recreation Task

Name of the text you plan to recreate:

Scene/section you will recreate:
6:20 - 6:40

Location you will use for your recreation:
outside -

Actors you will require for your recreation:
3 girls 

Props/costumes you will require for your recreation:
spare clothing

Equipment you plan to use:

Any other relevant information:

Linked Production Brief

Your Critical Investigation topic:
Teen films and stereotypes of them

Your Linked Production brief:
opening scene of a teen movie?  'coming of age' - 
focusing on the location and the characters introduction; timid girl not so social - her perspective of school life
a make over for a girl - into very popular girl

Length/size of production (e.g. 3 minutes, 5 pages etc.):
2/3 mins

Give an example of an existing media text this is similar to what you plan to produce:
- LOL 
- mean girls

Give an example of an institution that would produce or distribute your planned production:
Film 4

How would your production reach its audience?
Netflix or YouTube.

Who do you plan to work with on this project?